We’re never alone…

May has arrived!  I know it has been technically spring for a while, but where are the warmer days? I do believe with the flipping of the calendar to this month the weather is going to get warmer.  Recently, if you’re like me, you don’t know how to dress to leave the house.  Can I … [Read more…]

A glimpse of Jesus…

May is here and I am looking for all the flowers.  As the saying goes April showers bring May flowers.  After the storms that happen in life I am always looking for the flowers. I know they are there; I just sometimes have to keep looking. I was recently coming down to the last section … [Read more…]

Letting go of the remote…

April started out with a bang!  I mean when the first day of the month lands on Easter or Resurrection Day it can’t get any better than that!  Even though traditionally it was April Fool’s day as well, the only fool was death.  Satan thought he had won and death had defeated life on the … [Read more…]

Jesus at the airport…

April is here and with it the hope of resurrection rises in our hearts and over the entire city as the trees begin to bloom and the flowers start popping through the ground waking up from a cold, long, hard winter.  The signs of life are all around us during this time of the year! … [Read more…]

Reaching out to our world…

May is here!  This month we will celebrate our anniversary as a church family in the city.  Many have come and gone but the vision and the one who called us stays constant.  And so onward we will march to the beat of the one who died to save us and lives today!  This month … [Read more…]

In the Neighborhood…

Another page gone and now with the quick turn from our hands the calendar now says May!  Where does the time go?  I’m not sure, but I plan to spend what time I have left preaching His gospel to all I meet.  Why not? On a Sunday recently, after our service, I was heading out … [Read more…]