I Can See Clearly Now…

Welcome to 2020. As we begin this adventure of another year, I pray that we receive a touch from Jesus that allows us to see clearly.  Recall the blind man in Mark Chapter 8 who came to Jesus for a touch.   As he looked up at first he saw men as trees walking, then Jesus … [Read more…]

Need a refill?

November is here and I can already taste the pumpkin pie and crescent roles, how about you?  This is the month where families gather and watch football games on TV…and see which one can eat the most.  I never win, but I do always come close to first place.  At least that’s what my stomach … [Read more…]

Not Pressing the Button

Dear Saints,  Say it with me….Hello October! I’m glad you are finally here to bring us some cooler temperatures as well as those beautiful scenes of trees turning such beautiful colors as they shed their leaves.  We hit this month running, with a lot happening at our Fathers house, please check the dates and come … [Read more…]

Remember who you are…

Ah, September – we welcome you along with the quiet we now enjoy in our homes, as the kids are back at school!   A year older, a new grade, they march on to the beat of education.  Speaking of marching on and turning a year older, this month marks my dog Mac’s birthday.  He turns … [Read more…]

A Tribute to my Dad

August is here and with this month it marks the closing of swimming pools all around our city.  It also marks the opening of schools all over this city for our kids!  Such is life.  One day we start this journey called life in the arms of our mother.  Then when death comes we leave … [Read more…]

Who for the joy….

July is here and in four days you know what happens all around the city as well as the United States.  We celebrate our nation’s birthday with fireworks, barbeques, and parties.   For those of us who live downtown it will just be a continuation of all the fan fare that has been happening all around … [Read more…]

Not about Getting Stickers…from July 2017

Happy July!  The other night my daughter was tucking Gabster her daughter into bed and like a typical little girl she was fighting the thought and procedure of the night time ritual.  The only night I know that little children like to go to bed is Christmas Eve and this wasn’t even close to that … [Read more…]

Taking up my cross…

Dear Saints, June is here and here in St. Louis we are still playing hockey!  All you Stanley Cup lovers who have been waiting for the Blues to bring the cup home, well let’s just say this year your wait could be over.  Go Blues! Speaking of home and long waits, my wife and I … [Read more…]

Marked for Life…

This month is especially exciting for me because this month we celebrate 25 years of ministering in south St. Louis!  Our good friends Carlos and Miriam Velez will be our quest speakers on May 19th as we gather to celebrate 25 years of God’s faithfulness in allowing us to be one of His lights in … [Read more…]

The best seat in the house…

April is here and the showers are already starting here in St. Louis.  Flooding is happening throughout our state. As I see the damage on TV and when they show the clips of the water surge tearing down homes, trees, cars and anything in its path, I wonder at its power and how nothing can … [Read more…]