The blessing is in giving…

Let me be the first person to wish you a happy thanksgiving. I have to say that now because I saw on the TV that Christmas movies are already playing.  The kids have not even put away their costumes from their annual door-to-door thing and I am watching Christmas movies on television.  We are always … [Read more…]

The test you try to fail…

Hey saints, did you miss me?  I missed everyone while I was in Mexico. God moved greatly in the services and I was truly blessed to be there to see God’s goodness poured out to the people.  The team I ministered with had to take a Covid test in order to come home to the … [Read more…]

The Church is Open!

It is time to turn the page on the calendar, September is here!  Fall is around the corner, and the hope that the cardinals will be playing baseball in October is waning.  Oh well there is always next year. One thing in life we know for sure is that it is always changing.  Seasons come … [Read more…]

Storm Chasers

Welcome to August!  By the time some of you read this, our kids will be preparing to go back to school.  The yellow school buses will be going up and down the streets, carrying our most precious cargo.  Please keep our children as well as the teachers in your prayers as they return to class. … [Read more…]

My favorite striped shirt.

July is here!  We as a nation are one year older.  My prayer is that we become closer to letting God have his way in our courts, and in our hearts.  There is sure to be more fireworks this year than last, because of COVID.   Also in July, I am looking forward to a great … [Read more…]

The man in the mirror..

June is here and the latest report from Busch stadium is: the Cardinals are in first place and this month they will be opening it back up to full capacity!  As usual, they are behind the church, we have been at full capacity for a while now and Jesus is still undefeated!  The best part, … [Read more…]

Heart Therapy

April is here and the weather is starting to heat up! The flowers are beginning to bloom and the trees are starting to bud.  Let spring have its way with our hearts as it brings hope that the resurrection still brings life to all who will call out to him. I am so looking forward to … [Read more…]

A Heavenly Duet

March is here and the snow is finally starting to melt.  Covid 19 still leads in the nightly news.  The experts are now saying we could be wearing these masks up to the year 2022. That begs the question, is a smile still helpful if nobody can see it? Well I think it is at … [Read more…]

His Treasure

I pray that this letter finds you and your family doing well as we begin to see the light at the end of this virus.  With the rollout of the vaccine the world now is experiencing the hope we the church have always had during the pandemic.  I am so looking forward to seeing His … [Read more…]

Better than a boyfriend.

Welcome to 2021! I don’t know about you, but boy I am sure going to miss 2020 – SAID NO ONE!  It was an extremely hard year.  I just read that 1 out of 1000 Americans died from the virus last year.  I know that I am looking forward to getting back to a normal … [Read more…]