We say, “Yes Lord!”

Dear Saints, November is here and it will be soon time to reach for a coat or at least a jacket before leaving your home.  I pray that as the weather turns colder our hearts will turn warmer toward our God.  I am thankful for another month on this side of eternity.  It means I … [Read more…]

No Longer in Pre-Season

September is here and now it gets real.  Now I know you are probably wondering what do I mean by that statement.  Just ask any football fan.  Their team may have lost every game in August but they are not concerned.  You see, to them those games didn’t count because it was only Pre-season.  And … [Read more…]

Light Always Wins!

Welcome to August!  And did I mention it is getting hot up in here! Beside the temps going up can you hear the sound of cheering going up along with the groaning?  I can’t tell which is louder the cheering of the parents because school is resuming or the groaning of the children for the … [Read more…]

He Sings Over Us.

July is here with all its fireworks as we celebrate another birthday for our country.  Happy birthday America and may this year be a year where we as a nation turn our hearts back toward God.  As you read this newsletter, I will be traveling with Neil Silverburg to Cuba to share with about a … [Read more…]

Saying, “I DO”

June is here!  Many weddings will go down this month as the weather starts to heat up but hopefully those brides and grooms will not be sweltering in St. Louis humidity like we know will be coming in July and August. So, let us enjoy these beautiful days in June.  To this month, I say … [Read more…]

Hold the dream…

May doesn’t ask to come it just does with all its beauty!  The flowers are popping up with all their different colors, and the trees, yes the trees! I love it when they start to get back their leaves.  Nothing shouts more than a fresh start- a new beginning- than a tree that looked barren … [Read more…]

Running into His Arms

I was walking Hobbes our dog the other day and we ran across a scene that just totally blessed the socks off me.  As we approached the street we were to turn on to head back home there had pulled up about seven cars.  They had all parked on one side of the street. I … [Read more…]

Sticker shock!

March is here and it looks like we are marching on to warmer weather as well as turning one more page on the calendar. We are able to return to more of a normal way of life, which I am thankful for.  To that end, we will be doing more outreaches in our neighborhood.    If … [Read more…]

No short cuts…

Welcome to February! It is still cold but closer now to spring.  I guess you can tell that I am not a big fan of winter.  Anytime you have to cover yourself with layers of clothes and coats just to stay warm, well let’s just say putting on and off all those layers is too … [Read more…]

Sharing the Gospel

January 2023! This month at  ZION   Weekly Opportunities:  Sunday Morning Bible Study – 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11 a.m. Sunday Connect Join us after morning service for refreshments   Zion City Church since 1994! “Happy New Year!” is an expression we have been hearing a lot lately.  I pray that 2023 will be … [Read more…]