Under Construction

Dear Saints,

We are now in June and when it is finished so will half of 2022.  This year is going by very fast.  I know that we still have the same twenty-four hours every day, but still where have the days gone?

Time seems to fly, but some things tend to drag on and on. Have you noticed all the construction happening around our city?  It virtually is all over.  I cannot go anywhere without running into construction.  In the downtown area, they just close the street and reroute you.  They close down ramps going on the highway and the highway itself goes from four lanes to only two.  Every-where you go you have to leave early just in case you run into construction and chances are that you will.  No matter where you run into the construction, they always give the same warnings…SLOW DOWN.  Do they know whom they are talking to?  Like many others, I have only three speeds, fast, faster and break neck speed!  After all, I am doing the king’s business and the king’s business requires haste.  But alas the car driving in front of me slows down to the speed where people walking on the sidewalk next to me are moving faster.  At least that is what it feels like.  I know the reason for slowing down, people are working and the road needs maintenance. 

It occurred to me that in the church there are many people much like the roads in our city – under construction. For my own safety and the safety of others I slowdown in the construction sites.  Should I not do the same for those in the church to whom God is working on?  Driving in a construction zone requires patience, well so does walking with a brother or sister that is under construction in the church. And let us be real, we all are under construction in our walk with Jesus.  None of us has arrived.  Therefore, in the church as well as on the streets in our neighborhood, let’s cut each other a little slack.  Let us forgive those who have offended us and let us all slow down and take the time to listen, really listen to the person who is talking with us.  We just might be able to help them along their journey.  I know that the construction does not last, but as soon as they finish one bridge, they start another project just down the road.  It seems construction zones, like people under construction, will always be a part of our lives.  So let us slow down and enjoy the journey!

Slowing down to enjoy the journey,

Pastor Rick