Just passing through…

November is here!  It is hard to believe there are only two months left to 2020. This year has been challenging for everybody.  It has brought with it many uncertainties, but one thing is sure, we will be having turkey for dinner sometime this month.  We may or may not have a new president by the time this month is over, but what we do know for certain is that our God still sits on his throne ruling and reigning over the nations.

Speaking of a new president, Maria, my mom and I went down and voted early.  The lines for voting down town were not too bad, maybe a twenty-minute wait.  As I waited in line to vote, I looked at my fellow citizens waiting with me.  We varied in every way, from the color of our skin, to the time we had walked on this earth. We did have some things in common besides the masks we were wearing. We were all there to let our voice be heard with our vote. We all had come to make a difference with a stroke on a key board or a pencil. We were doing what we thought was best for our city, our state, and our country.

As I entered into the voting booth I began to think about why I had come.  The options began with a vote for the president and vice president.  The choices of the names before me had become synonymous with the twelve disciple’s names, I knew them well.  As I continued to vote I came to the section where I could amend old laws and even have new laws made. At least I could cast my vote to do either.  I thought to myself as I cast my vote to amend the law before me how different our democracy is to His kingdom.  In God’s kingdom there is not a time when we can ever amend His commandments.  I mean really, can you ever see us telling God that we would like to amend commandment 3 and cancel commandments 7 and 9?  While we may choose to disobey them, believe me, there is no amending His commandments.  As someone once said, they are commandments and not suggestions.  We who have lived all our lives in a democracy cannot comprehend what it truly is to live in a “Kingdom.”  I am thankful that I live here, and that our rule here is a democracy, but I am more thankful that where I am going it is a kingdom and the king that rules there is my Lord and Savior.  While I was voting I couldn’t help but be reminded that this place is not my home, but I am a pilgrim just passing through.  Like Abraham I am searching for that city made not made by any man’s hands.  As Maria, my mom and I left the voting polls with that little sticker that says “I voted” proudly displayed on our jackets, I thought to myself that I was so thankful that I don’t have to worry about voting in the place where I have my true citizenship. And the sticker that our king gives is displayed not on our jackets, but in our hearts and that sticker would say “I prayed”.  So when you do go and vote don’t forget to pray because that is the way we make a difference in our world today and in the one to come!

Now unto the king immortal, the only wise God be glory now and forever!


  1. Sis Karen Hawkins

    Hi Pastor, This is Sis Karen Hawkins. Sis Elizabeth and we have been thinking and praying for our family at Zion. Are you still holding services?

    • Hi Karen – so good to hear from you. We hope you and Sis. Elizabeth are doing well. Yes, we’re having services at the usual time – Sundays at 11 a.m. We wear masks and keep distance and we are all staying healthy – thanks be to God!

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