The Grace Pace

October is here and the cooler mornings says that fall has finally come.  I love this time of year.  We have started a Sunday night prayer time at the church from 6 pm to 7 pm every other Sunday.  I hope to have these times of prayer until the end of year.  With so much going on in our city and neighborhood we need these prayer times.  I hope to see you at one, come let us seek His face together!

Speaking of seeking the face of our Father, I can’t but notice how much less we actually see each other’s faces.  With everybody wearing face masks, I miss seeing the person’s whole face when I talk to them.  Seeing somebody’s face when I talk to them helps me to know if I am getting my point across.  After all my point of view is what matters…. right? I mean that’s what we all think when we talk to someone from a different camp, or point of view. We must somehow make them convert to our way of thinking.  Enter my eldest granddaughter Grace.  She is special, so much so that her teachers have coined a phrase to describe how she learns.  It is called the “Grace pace”.  What that means is she does everything in her own pace.  Her other class mates may be dancing disco to the beat of life while at the same time she proceeds to waltz to the same beat. I love that.  She doesn’t concern herself that they need to change their pace to hers, and she won’t change her pace to theirs, but she simply dances to the beat of life she hears.  What a lesson for us.  We as followers of Jesus, have changed dance partners.  We are no longer dancing with the world, and letting our flesh lead us in the dance of life.  Jesus takes our hands and now he leads us in a new dance of life and the pace is different than the world’s.  It’s called the “grace pace”.  We now live by grace!  We no longer run around trying to earn the world’s favor.  We have stopped trying to get everybody to like us on face book.  We now live for Him and Him alone.  Jesus is our everything and as we let him lead us in this dance of life, he begins to teach us the “grace pace”!  This pace puts us at odds with the world.  They don’t like it when someone does something different. They even begin to make lies, and false accusations against us.  But we just laugh and look into the eyes of the one who is leading us in this dance of life.  We are having too much joy to change back to the old partner we once danced with.  I will continue to learn from my granddaughters the life lessons that God wants to teach me.  As for now you must let me be excused, the music is starting and I must continue to dance with my Lord and Savior Jesus, for I have yet to master the new pace He is teaching me.  It is called as you may already know the “grace pace”!