We’re apart but not alone!

I write this from home and I know that you are more than likely reading it from yours.  The corona virus has changed our lives for now, but there will be an end to this quarantine and we will return to a more normal way of life soon I hope.  As of now we are still open on Sunday mornings from 10:00 am to 11:00 am for prayer.  If you can’t make the Sunday prayer-time, feel free to call in your request to the church and we will pray for your need along with all the others.  We really want to stay in touch with you as best we can while we have to be apart.  God is doing great things!

Yesterday morning I was drinking my coffee and praying about this time out the world is having and frankly, not looking forward to another day of quarantine.  I was feeling a little down in my spirit. I even found myself checking my ankle to see if there was one of those electrical devices on it.  You know the ones that felons have to wear when they are under house arrest.  Then the thought of trying to keep the proper space from people I would meet when I did leave the house began to wear on me.  The art of touching the elevator button with my elbow is taking some work but I am getting pretty good at it.  As I’m sure you know by now, surfaces are our enemy as well, thanks covid19.  I was feeling so down, and depressed that I almost started to write a country song.  I had pen and paper in hand and was starting to write down the first verse to a song that I knew was destined to win a Grammy, when suddenly as I began to write I heard the most beautiful sound right outside my window.  It was two robins singing to their creator, oblivious to the Covid19 virus.  They were not house-bound nor depressed at all.  They were as free as a dog without a collar.  Yes, my circumstance had changed, but my God had not changed at all.  Those two robins singing outside my window reminded me that God doesn’t change.  He is in control of my life and my destiny.  I need not fear any virus.  Paul put it this way “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?…..No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that love us”. Romans 8:35-37  What Israelite living in days past,  going to get his own straw to make his bricks with the same quota expected from him,  thought to himself –this is a good day this is going to be a great year for me and my people!  No, I don’t believe he did.  Many of us feel the same way today while we stay home keeping our distance from others, fearing this unseen enemy.  But remember  in the case of that Israelite, weeks later instead of making bricks he will be walking free on dry ground with the Red sea on each side of him,  struggling to carry the bounty the Egyptian’s gave him!  He will be walking side by side with his brothers and sisters heading toward a new land, a promised land.  And most of all he will be free!  Hang in there, this too shall pass and we are headed somewhere.  God is not done with you.  You my brother and sister have a destiny to fulfill!