We’re never alone…

May has arrived!  I know it has been technically spring for a while, but where are the warmer days? I do believe with the flipping of the calendar to this month the weather is going to get warmer.  Recently, if you’re like me, you don’t know how to dress to leave the house.  Can I get an Amen?

This past month I got sick, some type of viral infection.  It caused me to be bed ridden for a few days. While laying in bed the scripture in II Timothy chapter 4 vs.20 “Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.” came to my mind. The apostle Paul leaves this man sick as he goes to the next town scheduled on his mission trip.  Here is a brother serving alongside Paul that is left behind because he gets sick.  I know how that feels.  I was once left by my mentor, Paul Johansson, sick in Mexico.  I can relate to this brother Trophimus.  Being sick you often find yourself alone.  These past few days I have felt so alone.  I have felt as lonely as a Knicks fan sitting in Madison Square Garden during the playoffs.  It is during these times in our lives we can begin to set up for our “self-pity parties”.  I often feel all alone not because of an illness, but because of where I serve our Heavenly Father.  Serving God in the inner city is not a popular choice.  The inner city of south St. Louis is not on the top ten lists of places to serve God.  In fact, you will probably see it on the top five places to avoid.  If we are not careful we will find ourselves repeating the mistake of Elijah.  Remem-ber when he was in the cave running from Jezebel’s threat?  He says to the angel of the Lord “I have been very jealous for the Lord…..I, even I only am left.”  To which the Lord says “I have seven thousand who have not bowed their knees to Baal”.  We are not alone in our walk with Him.  Let us not think too highly of ourselves as though we are the only one carrying the burden for the city where he has placed us to serve.  He has more people in the city than we know that stand ready to fight the enemy.  May God open our eyes to those that labor among us and may we join with one another and rise up a mighty army to see revival in the land!  Finally that day, as I lay in my bed, unable to breathe from the nasal infection, having just finished putting up the last decoration for my “self-pity” party of being all alone; I remembered these words from our marvelous Savior in my heart, “My God, my God why has thou forsaken me”.  I realized that I did not even know true loneliness.  Jesus, bearing the sins of the world on the cross is the only person who has truly ever been alone.  At the point on the cross when the Father turned his back not on his son but on our sins, Jesus truly was alone.  It was at this point in my bed I began to take down the decorations for my self-pity party, and began to raise my arms in praise for the one who said “He would never leave us nor forsake us”.  He began to wrap his arms around me and bring healing to my sick body and more importantly to my sick attitude.  That day he turned my mourning into dancing! May you feel the same touch the next time you are feeling all alone and headed to your own pity party.

Never alone,