Dear Saints,
As I sit down to write this newsletter it is the last day of 2024. Tomorrow will be the first day of 2025. Where has last year gone? But the more important question to me is where is 2025 going? I heard someone say this: “Take small steps, to do great things.” It stuck with me. I began to think about those words. People in the Bible that were used mightily of God and did great things for him never started off doing great things, but in the beginning of their journey they just took that first small step followed by other small steps. One day Moses stood before a Red Sea with Pharoah in hot pursuit after the people and with the rod of God he parted the sea and led a whole nation through out the night on dry ground! The next morning the Red Sea returned again to its normal flow drowning all the Egyptians that day! Or what about David? His small steps eventually led him to face Goliath a Philistine giant who he defeated with just one stone shot by his sling in to Goliath’s forehead. The list would go on and on of those who ended up doing something great by taking the first small step. Think about Usain Bolt taking his first steps in Jamaica to his mother’s outstretched arms. Little did she know that one day he would be the world’s fastest man, breaking Olympic records. To this day he still owns many Olympic records in track and field. And what about Neil Armstrong? Did his mom know that his first steps as a toddler would one day lead him to be the first man to walk on the moon? Probably not.
So now we come to 2025. What is God asking you to do? Is he asking you like he did Peter to get out of the boat and walk on water? Is He asking you to start on a journey that seems impossible to you? Whatever you do for him this year it will begin with small steps. But I want to encourage you keep stepping. Keep following Jesus and one day you too like David, and like Moses will do great things for God!
Taking my first small step this year, Pastor Rick