Squirrels Don’t Stretch

Welcome to September!  Fall is almost here; I love the fall for many reasons.  Football being one of those reasons and the cooler weather, and the fact I can start wearing sweat shirts again just to name a few.  These are a few of my favorite fall things. I can hear Julie Andrews singing along in the background with me!  I also love sitting outside drinking coffee in the cool mornings.


This morning as I was drinking my coffee on the back porch I was once again enthralled with the squirrels going from one tree to the other.  In our back yard we have two large trees, one is an oak tree and the other is an ash tree.  Both of these trees are huge, especially the oak.  These squirrels jump back and forth and move so effortlessly from one and other it looks like Barnam and Bailey circus every day in my back yard.  They fly through the air and land like Simone Byles on her floor exercises! They are quite entertaining.  As I was watching them this morning it dawned on me that I have never seen a squirrel stretching before doing his thing.  Nor have I ever saw one hesitate to have the faith that he can make the distance from one branch to the other, no matter how far they were apart.  We as followers of Jesus need to stretch before we start our day.  I can’t just love the unlovable, I first need to spend time meditating on His word.  I do not have the ability to forgive my brother for the umpteenth time as he turns and asks forgiveness yet again.  We need to stretch before we start our day.  We must begin with spending time with Him and with His word and before we ever walk out our front door to work, our knees must have been on the floor praying for our enemies, praying for the day we are beginning.  It is then and only then we shall be able to, like the squirrels, do the impossible!  Christians must stretch before we can be like Christ in this world.  But when we do, watch out, there is nothing impossible for us!.  As Paul put it “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me”!  As I finished my coffee and came in the back door to start my day I looked back and saw another squirrel doing what I would think would be impossible, but without any fear he made his landing and proceeded on to chase his buddy.  I couldn’t help to think, its my turn to do the impossible without fear as well.  I look forward to sharing His love with the world I meet today!




Pastor Rick

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