True Freedom

Dear Saints,

Happy fourth of July!  I would like to remind you as we celebrate freedom in this country in reality many of us are still not free.  For the sins that hold us and the chains of the enemy that still bind us from true freedom can be heard simply when we walk.  Whom the son has set free is free indeed.  We are only truly free when we live in him not in a certain zip code.  So, while the fireworks and the picnics all around us give sounds of joy they are not sounds of freedom.  Those can be heard at your neighborhood church where the saints still meet to worship Him in spirit and in truth. And that sound of freedom began with a clink from a Roman solider nailing a carpenter, yes and more than a carpenter to an old wooden cross.  That clank was the first sound of freedom this world had ever heard.  We now enjoy true freedom from the work that He finished on Calvary.

Here is the real kicker to experience this great freedom I am talking about; it is totally free!  Freedom from sin we can walk in, live in, enjoy every day is free.  The price was paid at Calvary, Jesus paid it all. I was reminded of this a few weeks ago on the summit of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs.  Yes, I have been to the mountain, and I ascended to the peak of it.  They have signs at the bottom advertising that they have the best donuts at the top of the mountain.  Game on.  I consider myself somewhat of a donut connoisseur so upward I started.  On the top of the mountain for those of us who have made it, we know there is indeed a gift shop, and a small café offering coffee and donuts.  Coffee wasn’t bad the donuts were a great disappointment, but the view from the top……. Breath taking! While waiting for my donuts a group of about five young people carrying huge back packs, walking sticks, and out of breath from hiking up to the summit passed by me.  A lady sitting next to me asked if they had hiked up there.  Yes! They replied and they could barely speak for they were still somewhat winded from the climb.  I looked at them as said you do know there is a shuttle you could have used.  I hear the Spirit of God speak to me every time I try to earn my freedom from my sins by doing my own works – like those hikers.  He speaks to me “You do know there is a Savior”?  I hear the apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians “Oh you foolish Galatians! After beginning by the means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?” Jesus is our only way to salvation – there’s nothing we can do to earn forgiveness.

Let’s celebrate His freedom – true freedom this month!