It’s Time to Reboot!

By the time you read this we will have resumed our Sunday morning meetings.  We never closed, because His work never closes, but we did postpone meeting together for ten services.  Now by His grace we are back, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” Heb.10:25.  We will have in place all the things we can think of to keep everybody safe, and we will learn as we go.  I do believe that if there is healing in His wings, and there is, that coming to His house to worship Him can only bring healing in every aspect of our lives.

As you know, while being at home on lock down the internet has become like coffee in the morning.  Maria must have it.  I was referring to the internet of course, because she is working from home and has come to think it the coffee as well, lots and lots of coffee!  The other day she was having trouble logging in to the internet.  This happens from time to time.  I already knew what to do because I had talked to our service provider when this had happened before and the fix was easy.  Here are the basic instructions I was given. Unplug the modem, wait for a couple minutes, and then re plug the modem back into the power.  The service tech had explained to me that after a while the signal can become weak and you have to re boot the system by unplugging the modem and then re plugging it back in.  It forces the modem to re connect to the internet with a stronger contact.  I believe that is just what is happening to me and many others.  God is bringing a Sabbath or a reboot to His church.  We have been busy doing kingdom stuff, we have been busy doing church.  Now our lives have come to an abrupt stop that would be the envy of any car manufacturer testing the stopping ability of a new car model.  He even caused the entire world to come to a complete stop.  Business, Wall Street, air lines, sports, you name it, the world has been given a time out.

I don’t know about you but I feel in my life that I have needed to stop doing church, and start becoming the church.  I have needed to once again put my focus on Him.  What John the Baptist told his disciples ring in my ears, and like the words of Paul Revere the night he cried out to the colonists, “The British are coming, the British are coming!” Action is required. John the Baptist’s words were simple “Behold the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world!”  I had lost my focus on Jesus to other things in this life. I was busy doing so many things that nothing I did was working; I was neglecting the one thing I needed to do. The focus is and always will be THE LAMB.  And like Maria that day when she was having trouble loading on to the internet, I was having trouble making contact with my God.  I needed a reboot in my heart.  During this pandemic I have been rebooted.  God in his mercy has once again allowed me to embrace him, and as I squeezed tighter I couldn’t help but notice that He had never let me go.  The problem had always been with me.  It’s time saints to be rebooted in our hearts, soon we will be back to a new normal, but this normal will have all the traps of the old one.  All the distractions will be there to keep us from truly seeing Jesus.  I encourage you wait upon Him today and reconnect to the Lamb. Your life will never be the same!  That morning as Maria was finally able to connect to the internet, I too felt I had reconnected to mine!