Need a refill?

November is here and I can already taste the pumpkin pie and crescent roles, how about you?  This is the month where families gather and watch football games on TV…and see which one can eat the most.  I never win, but I do always come close to first place.  At least that’s what my stomach feels like toward bed time. 

Yesterday as we faced the coolest day yet for this fall, and consequently my tire pressure light came on in my car.  It usually does when it first starts to get cool outside.  I was headed home from the church so I made a detour to the closest gas station to air up my tires.  I pulled into the station and there were already two cars ahead of me, so I looked for my patience cap, put it on and settled in for the wait. The lady who was attempting to air up one of her tires looked like she was having problems so I offered to help, but she looked at me as though I had asked for her first born and blared out at me, “No thank you, I can do it myself.”  That’s when my attention changed from her problem to the air compressor she was using.  It had a place to put money in it.  I drew closer to examine the compressor.  Sure enough, they were now charging for air.  I have paid for water, I have even paid for grocery bags, but it would be a cold day in Hawaii… What? Where did you think I was going to say?  Anyway I was determined not to pay for air.  So I left, looking for another gas station that would provide air for free and not charge for it.  After several gas stations I finally found one. That’s when it dawned on me that we, like our tires, often need to be refilled.  After many miles of wear and tear on our spirits we need a refreshing. We need a fresh wind to blow into our lives.  I am so grateful that in those times I can come to Jesus and He refills me for no charge.  My car owner’s manual recommends 32 psi for the tires.  My tire pressure warning light was coming on so much during the cold months, I would have to stop about once a month to fill them up. I now put 35 psi in them, three more than recommended and in doing so they stay inflated much longer.  I have learned to do the same spiritually.  I will read my Bible more, and in my prayer time just sit and take in His presence more than what I used to.  You see I found out that, like my tires on my car, I was always running low of his power, his air or spirit in my life.  And unlike most gas stations here in St. Louis, his refilling is free! There is another problem when we run low of air in our tires and that is just ignoring the problem.  I know people who when their tire pressure warning light comes on in their car, they just ignore it.  They think they’re good; they have plenty of air in their tires, only to end up on the side of the road with a flat.  At times we too end up in bed flat on our backs, exhausted from life.  It’s because we ignored the warning signs God gave us and we thought we could just somehow push our way through.  Please stop and let God refill you with His power, let Him refill you with fresh air.  Just like our salvation, it’s free.  Come Holy Spirit, breath on us once again and fill us with your presence in our life, and in your church and cities.

Refilling for free,