Name that Tune…

Dear Saints,

The other day I was with my daughter, Charity.  I had made myself an “old school” play list of some of my favorite R & B artists that I had grown up listening to.  Marvin Gaye, Al Green, the Isley Brothers, Incognito, Earth, Wind & Fire, and one of my favorites, the Spinners, just to name a few.  So she and I were playing a little game, I would play a song to see if she knew who it was and to my surprise she not only didn’t know the majority of the artists, but she hadn’t even heard the song before.  So sad, I thought, this is vintage music and she was only hearing it now for the first time???  I began to question my fatherhood.  What kind of a Dad had I been to her, not to have introduced her to such fine music?  I was feeling as though I would totally strike out, when the next song on my play list came up, it was “September” by Earth, Wind & Fire.  After the first few beats of the song she began to beam, a huge smile came over her face, finally a song she knew!  She belted out, “Wait I know this one… it is the Troll song!” she said victoriously.  I just looked at her as though she just had insulted my New York Knicks, (which by the way, who hasn’t? But they will be back; I digress, back to the story).  I replied WHAT???? No baby that is Earth, Wind & Fire.  She had only heard that song from the movie, Trolls that we both had watched with her children.  Alas it was apparent I had failed as a Dad to teach her to appreciate my old school songs.  This whole encounter made me wonder just how well this generation knows God.  Many only know him through the latest song being played on the Christian radio station.  Sadly, they hardly ever read the Bible.  I have talked to some who believe that when they get to heaven they will roll right up to the throne and give Jesus a fist bump and ask him “What’s up bro?”  They have never been introduced to God, who He really is.  They know nothing of His holiness, His righteousness, His justice.  They know of His grace and mercy which is great and will save them, but He is much more.  I do not know Him as I should either; in fact I spend every day trying to know Him better.  If the apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 3:10 “That I may know him…” and this was toward the end of his ministry; how much more should we be crying with the same earnest plea to know him more?  The more I get to know my Savior the more I know that when I do finally get to meet him in person I will be on my knees, bowed down before him, crying out in worship that he only and he alone is worthy of all praise.  Now unto him who sits on the throne be glory both now and forever!

Wanting to know him more,